Let’s get to it! I’m a Washington native who became an Oregonian while attending The School of Journalism & Communication at the University of Oregon. I moved to Portland after graduation and have been working on copywriting, content strategy, marketing, branding, website design, SEO, UX, blogging, and more in earnest since 2013.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a wide variety of clients in disparate industries, ranging from recreational cannabis professionals to attorneys across the United States. The majority of what I’ve been up to lately is writing copy for websites, social media, and client blogs. That said, I love print, as well as digital ads. If it involves words and helping people find what they need, I’m into it.

Check out my current résumé for a full(er) education & career history.

In my spare time, I keep busy with jigsaw puzzles and writing short stories and poetry on my vintage 1950s Royal typewriter (pictured above.) I am an avid reader with a penchant for horror and fantasy. When I’m not in the world of the written word, I enjoy trying new happy hour spots with my friends, attempting weird recipes, and meeting dogs wherever they can be found.

Fan of:

  • The Oxford comma

  • The New Yorker

  • Martinis

  • My redheaded niece

  • The smell of old books

  • French bulldogs

Not a fan of:

  • Run-on sentences

  • Ego over the wishes of a client

  • Shrunken cashmere

  • Long meetings that end without an actionable plan

  • Drivers who turn or merge without signaling

  • Superficial relationships


Head over to my contact page to send me an email, or drop me a line at (253) 948-7806 for professional inquiries.